
Dr Md Ashikur Rahman Joarder 2022-03-15T13:26:02+06:00

Dr Md Ashikur Rahman Joarder


PhD (UK), M. Arch (BUET), B. Arch (BUET), MIAB

Environment and Energy Division

Curriculam Vitae

Areas of Interest

Daylighting: Modelling and Simulation

Evidence Based Design

Green Architecture and Sustainability

Therapeutic and Safe Environment Design

Fire Safety


Prof Joarder, Prof., Environment and Energy Division, Dept. of Architecture, BUET, has architecture and teaching background for more than a decade, including research experience on the use of ambient environment monitors, and building simulation, to improve visual, therapeutic, and safe environments of industrial, commercial and healthcare facilities. He joined as a Lecturer at the Department of Architecture, BUET on 2005. He has also teaching experiences in the Schools of Civil & Building Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Loughborough University, UK (2011-12). He has collaborative research and training experience with Loughborough University, UK; University of Maryland, USA; Kyushu University, Japan; University of California, San Diego, USA; and international organisations, e.g. ILO; NFPA and UNEP. Dr Joarder made over 150 high quality presentations on international conferences, seminars, workshops, knowledge transfer events inside and outside Bangladesh (e.g. Japan, The Netherlands, Greece, Scotland, Singapore, Spain, UK and USA) and national events sponsored by international organisations, such as ILO and UNEP. At present, Dr Joarder is working as the Sub-Project Manager, HEQEP CP. No. 6041 awarded by UGC, funded by World Bank (USD 250,000); Project Director, CASR Research Project, funded by BUET (BDT 200,000); Coordinator, Green Architecture Cell (GrACe), Dept. of Architecture, BUET; and a Consultant of Bureau of Research, Testing and Consultation (BRTC), BUET. Dr Joarder introduced MArch course ‘Daylighting’ in the Dept. of Architecture, BUET. He also conducts Postgraduate and Undergraduate courses at the Dept. of Architecture, BUET on Design, Seminar, Lighting, Fire Safety and Research Methods.