The Department of Architecture runs its B Arch program from an iconic physical setup that is in Bangladesh, if not in the South Asia, is aesthetically pleasing, climatically responsive, and inspirational beyond mere teaching-learning environment. The Department of Architecture consists of two connected buildings with judicious open spaces at its front and back. The main five-storied academic building provides seven Design Studios, five lecture rooms, and an open ground floor Plinth for informal gathering and formal exhibition. A smaller three-storied annex building accommodates the department and Dean’s offices, teachers’ common room, two indoor lounge and semi-open double height space used for exhibition, jury and cultural events at the ground floor; while department library, computer laboratory, post-graduate class rooms, design room for consultancy, and teachers’ room are located in its upper floors. All floors can access the centrally provided internet connections.
Every university provides some common facilities and services for all the departments. Similarly, there are some common facilities that are offered to all the departments by BUET authority. The central auditorium, seminar room, cafeteria, central library are few to be named of the central services. Besides, the students can easily avail the central transportation system. Students have access to all of these facilities.