Course Details

Multi-ownership Housing 2018-07-09T11:11:37+06:00

Course Title Multi-ownership Housing

Course ID ARCH 6304

Course Program Postgraduate,  PhD,  M.Arch,  

Course Type Optional Theory

Credits 3.00

Credits Hours 5 Hrs/WK

Semester HS

Prerequisite None

Course Offered No

Description Planning and Design of multi-ownership housing; Economics of housing; the concept of multi ownership; Apartment housing, housing cost and affordability; Investment criteria, Repayment period and rate of interest; Sources of housing finance; Financing cost; Savings; alternative means of housing finance; Land policy and its impact on housing; Land Value; the Role of public and private institutions in providing developed land for housing. Housing cooperatives and its role in supplying built flats/ apartment. Developer-built housing and its cost. Ownership pattern and the legal issues. The salaried group and their affordable limits. Study of developer and cooperative built housing and the assessment of user satisfaction level.